In the context of the SOS hierarchy papers, it seems that a "level-r psuedo expectation functional" is the same as an operator taking expectations of functions just that this one has the restriction that expectation of a square of a function is guaranteed to be zero only when the function is a polynomial of degree $\leq \frac{r}{2}$
Is the above right?
So the polynomials on which one would take the "level-r pseudo expectation functional" are what are to be called "level-r fictitious random variable" ?
Conventionally in optimization questions one would say something like "maximize $P_0$ given that $P_i^2=0$ for $i =1,2,..,m$" but the ``r-round SOS SDP relaxation" of this same question would be to choose a "level-r pseudo expectation functional" say $\tilde{E}$ and say "maximize $\tilde{E}[P_0]$ given that $\tilde{E}[P_i^2]=0$ for $i =1,2,..,m$ for $deg(P_i) \leq \frac{r}{2}$"
Is the above right? And if so then how is a specific $\tilde{E}$ chosen to do the relaxation?