If "n-partitioned hypergraphs" are defined as "hypergraphs together with a partition of their vertices into n subsets such that each hyperedge has only one vertex from each of those subsets" then your problem can be reformulated as n-clique hyperdge-cover for n-uniform
n-partitioned hypergraphs, and that reformulation preserves approximations and the parameter
(when your problem is parametrized by number of hyperrectangles).
In particular, your problem is NP-hard to approximate, even for n=2.
Those problems are equivalent to:
Find [the assignment of one positive integer to each '1' in the matrix] such that with
C being the largest of those positive integers, [for all elements H of {1,2,3,...,C-1,C}
and all '0's in the matrix, there is a coordinate such that no '1' [with the
same value for that coordinate as the '0'] was assigned H], which minimizes C.
Thus, your problem can be solved in
((minimum_number_of_hyperrectangles)^(number_of_'1's)) * poly(input_size)
time with an embarassingly parallel workload.
Aside from the reformulation and the equivalent problem I mentioned,
I don't know of any problems that your problem is reducible to for any reason
other than your problem being in NPO and the other problem being NPO-hard.