At, there is a presentation of an algorithm for determining if two graphs are isomorphic. Given a number of shall we say, "interesting" claims by A Dharwadker, I am not inclined to believe it.
In my investigation, I find that the algorithm will definitely produce the correct answer and tell you that two graphs are not isomorphic when in fact that is correct. However, it is not clear that the algorithm will consistently tell you if two graphs are isomorphic when they actually are. The "proof" of their result leaves something to be desired.
However, I am not aware of a counter-example. Before I start writing software to test out the algorithm, I thought I would see if anyone was already aware of a counter-example.
Someone requested a synopsis of the algorithm. I will do what I can here, but to really understand it, you should visit
There are two phases to the algorithm: A "signature" phase and a sorting phase. The first "signature" phase (this is my term for their process; they call it generating the "sign matrix") effectively sorts vertices into different equivalence classes. The second phase first orders vertices according to their equivalence class, and then applies a sort procedure within equivalence classes to establish an isomorphism between the two graphs. Interestingly, they do not claim to establish a canonical form for the graphs - instead, one graph is used as a kind of template for the second.
The signature phase is actually quite interesting, and I would not do it justice here by attempting to paraphrase it. If you want further details, I recommend following the link to examine his signature phase. The generated "sign matrix" certainly retains all information about the original graph and then establishes a bit more information. After collecting the signatures, they ignore the original matrix since the signatures contain the entire information about the original matrix. Suffice to say that the signature performs some operation that applies to each edge related to the vertex and then they collects the multiset of elements for a vertex to establish an equivalence class for the vertex.
The second phase - the sort phase - is the part that is dubious. In particular, I would expect that if their process worked, then the algorithm developed by Anna Lubiw for providing a "Doubly Lexical Ordering of Matrices" (See: would also work to define a canonical form for a graph.
To be fair, I do not entirely understand their sort process, though I think they do a reasonable job of describing it. (I just have not worked through all the details). In other words, I may be missing something. However, it is unclear how this process can do much more than accidentally find an isomorphism. Sure, they will probably find it with high probability, but not with a guarantee. If the two graphs are non-isomorphic, the sort process will never find it, and the process correctly rejects the graphs.