Here's my problem,
Problem: Given a weighted undirected graph $G=(V,E,w)$ with weight function $w:E\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ and an integer $k$, find a cut $S$ of graph $G$ such that $|S| \leq k$ and maximize the total weight of edges crossing the cut $S$.
This is a real world problem in Genetics. With the number of vertices, $|V|$, about 1,600, and $k$ about 15.
Each vertices in $G$ is a person, and edges are how much two people are related (kinship coefficient). We want to pick people to do a full genome (DNA) sequence so that we maximize the amount of DNA shared between the selected people and the rest of the pedigree, but we also don't want to spend money to sequence every people.
Approximation algorithm is okay.
Do you know any algorithm or paper that might help me with this problem?