Is there a known $n^{\alpha \log n+O(1)}$ algorithm for permutation group isomorphism? Here $n$ is the size of the group, and the isomorphism must be a permutational isomorphism.
My hope for such an algorithm comes from reading a blog post on the group isomorphism problem and its comments. Because any group of size $n$ has a generator set of size at most $\log_2 n$, maybe a permutation group will even have a strong generator set of size at most $\log_2 n$ (and hopefully that would already be sufficient for a quasi-polynomial algorithm). The comments mention two papers that relate the complexity of the problem of permutational isomorphism of permutation groups to the complexity of the problem of isomorphism of semisimple groups, and also mention earlier work on the permutational isomorphism problem.
A comment by Ben Barber on a related question indicates that permutation group isomorphism can be reduced to graph isomorphism, which is not really surprising, but nice to know nevertheless.