Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple undirected graph on $n$ vertices and $m$ edges.
I'm trying to determine the expected running time of Wilson's algorithm for generating a random spanning tree of $G$. There, it is shown to be $O(\tau)$, where $\tau$ is the mean hitting time: $$\tau = \sum_{v \in V} \pi(v) \cdot H(u, v), $$ where:
- $\pi$ is the stationary distribution $\pi(v)=\frac{d(v)}{2m}$,
- $u$ is an arbitrary vertex, and
- $H(u,v)$ is the hitting time (AKA access time), i.e., the expected number of steps before vertex $v$ is visited, starting from vertex $u$.
What is the general upper bound for the mean hitting time? And what is the worst case graph $G$ that maximizes mean hitting time?
To make my question clear, I don't require calculations or a detailed proof (although they may be useful to other people encountering this question in the future). For me personally, a citation would be sufficient.
The paper mentions another algorithm by Broder that works in expected cover time (first time when all vertices have been visited). Then it is said, that mean hitting time is always less than cover time. However it only gives an asymptotic bound of $\Theta(n)$ for most graphs (i.e., expander graphs) to contrast it with $\Theta(n \log n)$ by Broder for most graphs (with a somewhat more inclusive definition of most).
It does give an example of a graph where mean hitting time is $\Theta(n^2)$ and cover time is $\Theta(n^3)$. While this is known to be the worst case for the latter, he does not specifically say anything about the worst case of the former. This would mean that the worst case for Wilson's algorithm may fall anywhere between $O(n^2)$ and $O(n^3)$.
There are two publicly available implementations of Wilson's algorithm that I'm aware of. One is in the Boost Graph Library, while second is in graph-tool. Documentation of the former does not mention running time, while the latter states:
The typical running time for random graphs is $O(n \log n)$.
Which does not answer the question, and actually seems to be inconsistent with Wilson's paper. But I report this just in case, to save time of anybody with the same idea of consulting implementation documentation.
I had initially hoped that the worst case might be attained by a graph constructed by attaching a path to a clique, due to Lovász, where the hitting time can be as high as $\Omega(n^3)$. However, the probability of this event is about $\frac{1}{n}$ when picking vertices from stationary distribution. Consequently yielding an $O(n^2)$ bound for the mean hitting time in this graph.
A paper by Brightwell and Winkler shows that a subset of lollipop graphs maximizes the expected hitting time, reaching $4n^3/27$. Graph by Lovász is also a lollipop graph, but in this case the clique size is $\frac{2}{3} n$, rather than half. However, care must be taken not to confuse expected hitting time with mean hitting time. This result, like the previous one, refers to expected hitting time for two specific vertices chosen beforehand.