Let $\mathcal{L}$ be the family of all languages over $\Sigma$ satisfying the pumping property of regular languages. Namely: for each $L\in\mathcal{L}$, there is an $N\in\mathbb{N}$ s.t. every word $w\in L$, $|w|> N$ can be written in the form $ w=xyz$ where: 1. $|y|>0$, 2. $|xy|\le N$, 3. $xy^i z\in L$ for all $i\ge 0$.
It is a simple exercise[1] to prove that $\mathcal{L}$ contains the singleton languages $L=\{\sigma\}$, $\sigma\in\Sigma$, and is closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene star. It is likewise well-known that the family of regular languages is the smallest one that contains the singletons and is closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene star. Conclusion: the regular languages satisfy the pumping property.
Question: has anyone seen this proof in the literature? [1] Proposed by D. Berend.