It is easy to see that any problem that is decidable in deterministic logspace ($L$) runs in at most polynomial time ($P$). Many known logspace algorithms (For example : undirected st-connectivity, planar graph isomorphism) run in $O(n^k)$ where $k$ is insanely large.
- I am looking for examples of natural problems that are known to be solvable simultaneously in deterministic logspace and $O(n^k)$ time where $k \leq 10$. There is nothing special about 10. Looking at the currently known logspace algorithms, I think $k \leq 10$ is interesting enough.
- Aleliunas et al. showed that undirected st-connectivity is in $RL$ (randomized logspace). The running time of their algorithm is $O(n^3)$. Are there natural problems that can be solved simultaneously in $RL$ and linear time (or) near linear time i. e., $O(n{\log}^i{n})$ time ?
Edit : To make things more interesting let's look at problems that are at least $NC^1$-hard.