Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet. A trivial finite automaton can accept the language $L_1 = \{w\;|\;w\in \Sigma^*\}$. A simple pushdown automaton can accept the language $L_2 = \{ww^R\;|;w\in \Sigma^*\}$ where $w^R$ is the reverse of $w$, i.e., the string obtained from $w$ by reading it backwards.
- What is the simplest non-universal machine model which accepts the language $L_3 = \{ww^Rw\;|\;w\in \Sigma^*\}$? Note that $L_3$ can be easily accepted by a queue automaton, but queue automata are universal.
- Are there well studied classes of non-universal automata accepting non-context free languages?