I find myself with another graph problem that I can't find the name of. I was wondering if anyone was able to identify if this problem and any efficient algorithms to solve it are known.
The intuition for the problem is I have two islands and a set of possible locations I can build bridges between those islands. I want to determine a minimum cost set of bridges to build such that it takes a short amount of time (no longer than $K$ hours) to travel from any point on the first island to any point on the second island.
To put this into a graph context: We are given two connected components $A$ and $B$ and a set of edges $\{e\}$ with cost $c_e$ required to add them to the graph. I want to find the minimum cost set of edges that connects $A$ and $B$ such that the maximum unweighted distance between any any two nodes between the components is at most $K$.
More precisely:
Let $x_e = 1$ if we choose to add edge $e$ and $0$ otherwise
Let $G' = A \cup B \cup \{e \mid x_e = 1\}$ be the graph augmented with the edges that we added.
Let $dist(G, u, v)$ be the length of the shorted path between $u$ and $v$ in graph $G$.
minimize $\sum_{e} x_e c_e$ such that
$ dist(G', u, v) < K\quad \forall u, v \in A \times B$