I am writing papers in theoretical computer science sometimes being a nonanonymous single author. Earlier, I used the 1st person plural in such papers, e.g.:
We will show that the complexity classes X and Y coincide.
I am neither a native English speaker nor extremely good at English. Recently, I've gotten an advice from a native English speaker (who is into science but not a computer scientist) to use the 1st person singular instead:
I will show that the complexity classes X and Y coincide.
He claimed that this style is widespread in "Nature" and other toplevel journals. I'm not used to this style of writing at all; sentences in the style "I have shown that Γ is well-defined on ℂ \ ℤ⩽0" inside proofs seem very unnatural to me.
Which style is more appropriate for theoretical computer science papers?
It is very clear to me that this question is strongly biased by the area (otherwise, I'd have asked ell.se or referred to https://academia.stackexchange.com/q/2945/7734), so I'm asking at cstheory. My question is addressed to mature theoretical computer scientists who are also native English speakers with a perfect command of English.