I do not think we know of unconditional uniform/nonpromise complexity class differences in the above form (update: see Lance Fortnow's answer for an example), but the following comparison of generic oracles to random oracles may be helpful.
A generic oracle is by construction an oracle that satisfies every $Σ^0_1$ property that cannot be ruled out by fixing a finite initial segment. In a certain sense, everything that is necessarily possible happens, which makes it very different from a random oracle (though it also emulates a random oracle infinitely often).
For example, with the generic oracle (i.o. means infinitely often)
PSPACE ⊆ i.o.-P
EXP ⊆ i.o-ZPP
Thus, for every problem in the relativized PSPACE, there is a polynomial time algorithm (using the oracle) that for infinitely many input sizes solves all instances of that size (and similarly with ZPP and BPP with arbitrary behavior at 'bad' input sizes).
Like the random oracle:
The polynomial hierarchy is infinite.
Every recursive function computable in polynomial time with a generic oracle is computable in polynomial time without the oracle (since the oracle is empty for sufficiently long stretches). Thus, if P < BPP, then this also holds for the generic oracle, while for the random oracle P = BPP.