In the lecture notes Introduction to Complexity Theory by Goldreich, there is a section called "How close is $\#P$ is to $NP$". It is stated there that a $P^{NP}$ machine would approximate $\#P$ in random polynomial time. In fact I interpret this random approximation as a $FPRAS$ for any function in $\#P$.
Now in the seminal paper: M. Jerrum, A. Sinclair, and E. Vigoda, A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with non-negative entries (JACM version), on page 31, there is an binary search algorithm which takes an $FPRAS$ for the Permanent to a $BPP$ algorithm for the Permanent.
Taking both algorithms together, this suggest that one could exponential approximation with high probability the Permanent leading to $P^{NP} \ge \#P$.
This clearly cannot be right! So the question is what mistake have I made?
My apologies if this question is stupid.