The weakest precondition of while loop $\mathtt{while}(G)\{C\}$ with respect to postcondition $P$ can be characterized by the least fixed point of the predicate transformer
$X ~\mapsto \neg G \wedge P ~\vee~ G \wedge \mathsf{wp}(C, X)$
where $\mathsf{wp}(C, X)$ is the weakest precondition of loop body $C$ with respect to postcondition $X$.
How can strongest postconditions of while loops be defined/characterized in a similar fashion, i.e. given a precondition $Q$ and a predicate transformer $\mathsf{sp}(C, {\cdot})$, how can one characterize the strongest postcondition of $\mathtt{while}(G)\{C\}$ with respect to precondition $Q$ as a fixed point of some predicate transformer?