In Appendix B of Boosting and Differential Privacy by Dwork et al., the authors state the following result without proof and refer to it as Azuma's inequality:
Let $C_1, \dots, C_k$ be real-valued random variables such that for every $i \in [k]$,
- $\Pr[|C_i| \leq \alpha] = 1$, and
- for every $(c_1, \dots, c_{i - 1}) \in \text{Supp}(C_1, \dots, C_{i - 1})$, we have $\text{E}[C_i \mid C_1 = c_1, \dots, C_{i - 1} = c_{i - 1}] \leq \beta$.
Then for every $z > 0$, we have $\Pr[\sum_{i = 1}^k C_i > k\beta + z \sqrt{k} \cdot \alpha] \leq e^{-z^2/2}$.
I'm having trouble proving this. The standard version of Azuma's inequality says:
Suppose $\{X_0, X_1, \dots, X_k\}$ is a martingale, and $|X_i - X_{i - 1}| \leq \gamma_i$ almost surely. Then for all $t > 0$, we have $\Pr[X_k \geq t] \leq \exp(-t^2/(2 \sum_{i = 1}^k \gamma_i^2))$.
To prove the version of Azuma's inequality stated by Dwork et al., I figured we should take $X_0 = 0$ and $X_i = X_{i - 1} + C_i - \text{E}[C_i \mid C_1, C_2, \dots, C_{i - 1}]$. That way, I think $\{X_0, \dots, X_k\}$ is a martingale. But all we can say is that $|X_i - X_{i - 1}| \leq 2\alpha$ almost surely, right? That factor of two causes trouble, because it means that after substituting, we merely find that $\Pr[\sum_{i = 1}^k C_i > k\beta + z\sqrt{k} \cdot 2\alpha] \leq e^{-z^2/2}$, which is weaker than the conclusion stated by Dwork et al.
Is there a simple trick I'm missing? Is the statement by Dwork et al. missing a factor of two?