Suppose that $\mathcal{L}$ is the language of a simply typed lambda calculus of two base types, $e$ and $t$, with infinitely many constants at each type.
A substitution $j$ is a mapping from constants of type $\sigma$ to arbitrary closed $\mathcal{L}$-terms of type $\sigma$. $j$ extends to a mapping on arbitrary closed terms of type $\sigma$ in the obvious way: $j\alpha$ is the result of substituting the constants in $\alpha$ with their $j$ counterparts.
Now suppose that for each constant $a:e$ there is a term $\phi^a: t$, and suppose moreover that:
- For any substitution, $j$, if $ja = jb$ then $j\phi^a =_{\eta\beta} j\phi^b$
Does it follow that there exists a closed term $\alpha:e\to t$ such that $\phi^a =_{\eta\beta} \alpha a$ for each constant $a$?