There are $2$ possible further reductions in addition to Faben's one, to show $\oplus P$-completeness of $\oplus 2$-SAT.
First reduction is from $\oplus$CNF-SAT to (not necessarily monotone) $\oplus 2$-SAT, as follows: replace each clause $c = \{\ell_1, \cdots, \ell_k\}$ in the original instance with a set of $k$ clauses $c_1 = \{\lnot u, \lnot\ell_1\}, \cdots, c_k = \{\lnot u, \lnot\ell_k\}$, where $u$ is a fresh new variable. I like to call such operation as clause rotation. Each time you rotate a clause, the parity of the number of satisfying assignments stays unaltered. Actually it is more than that: the difference between the number of satisfying assignments having an odd number of variables set to true and the number of satisfying assignments having an even number of variables set to true stays unaltered. After having rotated every original clause (each time using a different fresh new variable of course), you end up with a $\oplus 2$-SAT instance which is not monotone (unless so was the original instance), and which has only $n + m$ variables (while in Faben's reduction the resulting monotone $\oplus 2$-SAT instance had $3n + m$ variables).
Second reduction is from $\oplus$CNF-SAT to monotone $\oplus 2$-SAT, like Faben's but again with less variables. You create a graph with $n + m$ nodes: $n$ nodes for the variables and $m$ nodes for the clauses. There is an edge between a variable node and a clause node if and only if such variable is mentioned in such clause. There is an edge between $2$ clause nodes if and only if there is a variable which is mentioned positive in one and negative in the other. The parity of the number of independent sets of such graph is the same as the parity of the number of satisfying assignments of the original formula. But here the savings in variables had a price: the aforementioned odd-even difference is not preserved in this reduction (whereas Faben's reduction preserves it).