If a function is computable in time $T(n)$, is it computable in time $T(n)^{O(1)}$ and space $T(n)^{o(1)}$ simultaneously?
We won't be able to prove it, because it implies the open problems $\text{P} \neq \text{PSPACE}$ and $\text{EXPTIME} \neq \text{EXPSPACE}$.
I think we won't be able to disprove it either. A counterexample in the polynomial-time regime would imply the open problem $\text{P} \neq \text{L}$. In the exponential-time regime, $\text{EXPTIME} \neq \text{PSPACE}$. But maybe there is a counterexample somewhere else.
My question is simply: is this statement or a similar one equivalent to any well-known conjecture? Any references would also be appreciated.