
The StreamMemo library for Coq illustrates how to memoize a function f : nat -> A over the natural numbers. In particular when f (S n) = g (f n), the imemo_make shares the computation of recursive calls.

Suppose instead of natural numbers, we want to memoize recursive functions over binary trees:

Inductive binTree : Set := | Leaf : binTree | Branch : binTree -> binTree -> binTree.

Suppose we have a function f : binTree -> A that is structurally recursive, meaning that there is a function g : A -> A -> A such that f (Branch x y) = g (f x) (f y). How do we build a similar memo table for f in Coq such that the recursive computations are shared?

In Haskell, it is not too hard to build such a memo table (see MemoTrie for example) and tie-the-knot. Clearly such memo tables are productive. How can we arrange things to convince a dependently typed language to accept such knot tying is productive?

Although I've specified the problem in Coq, I wouldd be happy with an answer in Agda or any other dependently typed language as well.


2 Answers 2


It's easy enough to get the recursion pattern to work with sized types. Hopefully the sharing is preserved through compilation![1]

module _ where

open import Size
open import Data.Nat

data BT (i : Size) : Set where
  Leaf : BT i
  Branch : ∀ {j : Size< i} → BT j → BT j → BT i

record Memo (A : Set) (i : Size) : Set where
    leaf : A
    branch : ∀ {j : Size< i} → Memo (Memo A j) j

open Memo

trie : ∀ {i} {A} → (BT i → A) → Memo A i
trie f .leaf = f Leaf
trie f .branch = trie (\ l → trie \ r → f (Branch l r))

untrie : ∀ {i A} → Memo A i → BT i → A
untrie m Leaf         = m .leaf
untrie m (Branch l r) = untrie (untrie (m .branch) l) r

memo : ∀ {i A} → (BT i → A) → BT i → A
memo f = untrie (trie f)

memoFix : ∀ {A : Set} → A → (A → A → A) → ∀ {i} → BT i → A
memoFix {A} lf br = go
  go h : ∀ {i} → BT i → A
  go = memo h
  h Leaf = lf
  h (Branch l r) = br (go l) (go r)

[1] https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/2918

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for this. I have two worries about this code. Firstly the go value is a function of a Size parameter. In general, there is no sharing between independent function calls at the same value. This can probably be fixed by adding a let statement in the definition of h (Branch l r). Secondly, the stratified definition of BT means that two, otherwise identically shaped trees, will have different values when they occur at different levels. These distinct values won't be shared in the MemoTrie. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 23:51
  • $\begingroup$ I'm impressed that Agda accepts the nested definition of Memo in branch. Coq's positivity checker seems to reject this, making things more complicated in Coq. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 23:51
  • $\begingroup$ The issue I linked to seems to conclude that the sizes are not a problem at runtime when compiled with the GHC backend, though I haven't verified this myself. $\endgroup$
    – Saizan
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 8:15
  • $\begingroup$ I see. I'm looking for a memoization solution that can be used within the proof assistant so it can be used as part of a proof by reflection. Your solution is probably suitable for compilation assuming the Size types end up erased. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 21:22

I have created a "solution" that recursively memoizes structurally recursive functions of binary trees in Coq. My gist is at https://gist.github.com/roconnor/286d0f21af36c2e97e74338f10a4315b.

It operates similarly to Saizan's solution, by stratifying binary trees based on a size metric, in my case counting the number of internal nodes of binary trees, and producing a lazy stream of containers of all solutions for a particular size. Sharing happens because of a let statement in the stream generator that holds the initial part of the stream to be used in later parts of the stream.

Examples show that for vm_compute, evaluating a perfect binary tree with 8 levels after having evaluated a perfect binary tree with 9 levels is much faster than only evaluating a perfect binary tree with 8 levels.

However, I'm hesitant to accept this answer because the overhead of this particular solution is bad that it performs much worse than my memoization without structural recursion for my examples of practical inputs. Naturally, I want a solution that performs better under reasonable inputs.

I have some further comments at "[Coq-Club] How can you build a coinductive memoization table for recursive functions over binary trees?".


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