Consider an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ and two sequences of $k$ vertices $S=s_1,\ldots,s_k$ and $T=t_1,\ldots,t_k$. A set of $k$ walks is called a $(S,T)$-walk partition if
- the walks form a partition the edges of $E$, and
- there exists a permutation $\pi:[k]\to[k]$, such that the $i$th walk is a $s_it_{\pi(i)}$-walk. (A $st$-walk is a walk that starts with vertex $s$ and ends with vertex $t$)
We consider the following problem.
$k$-walk partition
Input: Graph $G$ and two sequence of $k$ vertices $S$ and $T$.
Output: Does there exists a $(S,T)$-walk partition in $G$.
Is this problem studied? I'm interested when $k$ is a constant. When $k=1$, this is the same as checking if there is a Eulerian trail from $s_1$ to $t_1$.