Given an undirected acyclic raph $G = \{V,E\}$, with each edge $e$ having weight $c_e$in the range $[-\infty, +\infty] $, I want to compute a partition of the graph into $N$ disjoint sets $G_i, i=1,...,N$ by removing certain edges such that the overall sum of the remaining edge weights across all $N$ sets is minimized. In addition, I would like to set constraints that would force certain pairs of vertices to be in disjoint sets.
Formally speaking, if each set $G_i$ has $M$ edges $e_j, \hspace{2pt}j=1,...,M$, then:
$$min \sum_i^N\sum_j^Me_j$$
and $\mathbb{P}$ is the set of constraints which disallows certain pairs of nodes $v_k$ and $v_l$ from being assigned to the same set: $$v_k \in G_k,v_l \in G_l \hspace{2pt} \land \hspace{2pt} k \neq l, \hspace{3pt}\forall (k,l) \in \mathbb{P}$$
I've searched around for this, and most minimum cut algorithms only seem to offer bipartite splits. I also looked into s-t cut algorithms, but in my case rather than having a single source and sink I have multiple such pairs that I want to keep in disjoint sets.
Additional Information I'm trying to model segments of walking trajectories as graph nodes. The edge weights denote the dissimilarity score between two trajectory segments (conversely, if I use the similarity score then I require the maximum cut). The constraints will be used to ensure that two trajectory segments that overlap in time must never be assigned to the same set.