In the context of Agda like dependent type theory:
This short paper says some inductive type can be seen as records, for example Vector
of fixed-length list can be seen as inductively-defined family of non-recursive types.
But they argue that for example natural number type should not have a eta rule because it is a recursive type (the original paper says N = Unit \/ N
is non-terminating.)
So what will go wrong if we have this type:
data out where
cons : out => out
in : out => out
in (cons a) = a
and give it a negative eta-rule:
(a: out)
then a = cons (in a)
Can it proof False
? Or just this is a bad idea....?
edit: It seems Agda has eta-rule for recursive records? but not for the one previously defined, see this issue . but the previously defined one is ruled out I think by implementation issues, not theoretical one?
is an empty type in Agda. $\endgroup$