This is not an answer, it contains some "practical" thoughts on the question :-).
I did some investigations using Java as "target" language and defining $K(s)$ as the length of a function in the form:
String s(){<return a STRING_EXPR>}
and such that s() == $s$
Obviously we can build:
String s(){return"
So, for every string $s$, $K(s) <= |s| + 21$ (assuming that no special character is in the string)
I'm trying to figure out an incompressible string $s$ (i.e. $K(s)>=|s|$) for which $K(ss) < K(s)$
... but didn't find it ... any ideas?
I've made some tries with small strings, for example $r = a^{28} = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa$
String r(){return"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"}
String r(){String x="aaaaaaa";return x+x+x+x;} // << K(r)=46
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa // << |r|=28
$r$ is incompressible ( $K(r)>|r|$ ) ... but didn't find a way to make $K(rr)<K(r)$
Furthermore if such string exist, then $K(r) - K(rr)$ cannot be "too large", indeed we can build:
CODE_FOR_R: function r(){return
where $N$ is half the length of $rr$