It is commonly believed that for all $\epsilon > 0$, it is possible to multiply two $n \times n$ matrices in $O(n^{2 + \epsilon})$ time. Some discussion is here.
I have asked some people who are more familiar with the research whether they think that there is a $k>0$ independent of $n$ such that there exists an $O(n^2 \log^k n)$ algorithm for matrix multiplication and they overwhelmingly seemed to have intuition that the answer is "no" but could not explain why. That is, they believe that we can do it in $O(n^{2.001})$ time, but not $O(n^2 \log^{100} n)$ time.
What reasons are there to believe that there is no $O(n^2 \log^k n)$ algorithm at a fixed $k>0$?