Problem: Considering a complete weighted graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, where $n\in2\mathbb Z$ is an even number, remove edges in such a way that you end up with two cliques of graph $G$, each having $\frac n2\in\mathbb Z$ vertices, and the sum of all weights is maximized.
$\begin{bmatrix} &A & B & C & D\\ A &0 &1 &0.66 &0.5\\ B &1 &0 &0.01 &0.5\\ C &0.66 &0.01 &0 &0.33\\ D &0.5 &0.5 &0.33 &0 \end{bmatrix}$
The above adjacency matrix of graph $G$ is an instance of the problem with $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ being the vertices of the graph. In this instance, the solution to the problem is pairing $A$ with $B$ $(1)$ and $C$ with $D$ $(0.33)$, with the resulting weight sum $1.33$ being the maximum achievable value.
What would be the exact algorithm for solving this problem, or maybe there is a problem which it can be reduced to?