We have $k$ bins of capacity $c_i$ each. These bins appear in an online fashion, say on day $i$, bin $i$ appears. There are $l$ balls. Ball $j$ has weight $w_{ij}$ with bin $i$.
Each ball knows that there will be $k$ bins. On day $i$, bin $i$ appears and ball $j$ gets to know the bin and its capacity $c_i$. Also, ball $j$ gets to know $w_{i1},w_{i2},\ldots,w_{il}$; the weights of all balls with bin $i$ (including her weight of course). Ball $j$ must decide either to put herself into bin $i$ or not, once and forever (i.e., once decided, the game is over for ball $j$).
Each ball wants to be satisfied, that is, puts herself into a bin that has enough capacity. Ball $j$ does not know if some other balls have chosen bin $i$ or not. Also, Ball $j$ knows only the current information, does not know the weights of the balls with bins that will appear in the future.
Is there a way to find an online algorithm that maximizes the number of satisfied balls? I think this is somehow related to secretary problem but I am not sure how to prove this claim.