I have the following problem which came as a subproblem in some work I was doing and I am completely stuck. Note that I am interested in it only in terms of worst case time complexity (not heuristics or anything else).
Given is a set $\mathcal{P}$ of $m$ convex polygons with $n$ overall vertices.
PROB: Find the set $Z \subset \mathcal{P}$, such that for any $Q \in Z$, there exists a $P \in \mathcal{P}\setminus \{Q\}$ with $P$ contained in $Q$. (i.e. "Find the polygons which contain at least one polygon")
In the following example, the set Z would consist of the 4 highlighted polygons
Some thoughts I had were:
A first idea was to plane sweep with all vertices as events. Every time an event would come we would check the polygons it belongs to and mark them. When the event would be the end of a polygon we could verify that if this belongs to any polygon or not. The problem is that a query event could take $O(m)$ as it could be inside $O(m)$ polygons (assuming an interval tree DS where an "all_overlap" operation takes $O(\min\{m,c\cdot \log m\})$ time, where $c$ is the number of overlaps - containing polygons). Moreover, I believe we can create a worst case instance where $O(n)$ events have $O(m)$ overlaps. So, with this approach it seems that we could end up with an $O(mn + n\log n)$ time complexity.
I started having some thoughts for a more elaborate plane sweep to use the pairwise polygon intersections but since this can be $\Theta(m^2)$ in the worst case, I didn't further look on that.
Another thought was to make an algorithm using range search queries for the convex polygons. If we triangulated every polygon, having $O(n)$ triangles, we could check the containment. Unfortunately, taking a "brief look", I didn't find very "positive" results for answering fast range queries with anything different than rectangles, e.g. triangles. Although I didn't yet delve very deep into it.
I would be extremely happy to have an $O((1+|Z|) n\log^2 n)$ time algorithm. I am not positive about that anymore. So, I would be happy with any algorithm or ideas how to further proceed.
Finally, and perhaps as a starting point, one could consider the simplified decision problem.
PROB*: Does there exist $Q \in \mathcal{P}$ such that there exists a $P \in \mathcal{P}\setminus \{Q\}$ with $P$ contained in $Q$.
What would be an efficient algorithm for that?