This question is inspired by the comments made on this other question that I asked, and by an attempt to provide an explicit example of a complexity question beyond the Turing degree $\mathbf{0}$. (And like the former question, I'm not sure whether this is more appropriate here or on MathOverflow.)
Let $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ be the graph of the Busy-Beaver function, i.e., $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ is the set of $(n,v)$ such that $v = \mathrm{BB}(n)$ (I hope the exact details of how the Busy-Beaver function is defined aren't relevant for the question I'm about to ask! but let's say that $\mathrm{BB}(n)$ is the maximal number of execution steps that a Turing machine with $n$ states can take and eventually halt). Now consider Turing machines with $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ as an oracle: i.e., they are allowed to ask the question “is $v = \mathrm{BB}(n)$?” at any point in their computation.
Since $\mathrm{BB}$ is in the same Turing degree $\mathbf{0}'$ as the halting problem $H$, such machines can indeed solve the halting problem (given a machine $e$ having $n$ states, simulate its execution while, at each step $v$, asking $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ whether $v = \mathrm{BB}(n)$, and stop whenever either the machine stops or we know we've run more steps than a machine with $n$ steps can possibly go through).
Now I am interested in the time complexity for such machines with $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ as an oracle: clearly the algorithm I described has an enormous complexity (comparable to $\mathrm{BB}$ itself!). So I am inclined to ask whether one can do better.
Question 1: Does the halting problem $H$ belong to any standard complexity class relativized to the $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ oracle, like $\mathbf{P}^{\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}}$ (polynomial time), $\mathbf{EXP}^{\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}}$ (exponential time) or $\mathbf{PR}^{\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}}$ (primitive recursive in $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$)?
Note in particular that, if such is the case, once we can compute the halting problem, we can compute all computable sets in the same complexity (I mean, if $H$ is the halting problem, and $\mathbf{R}$ is the class of all computable sets, we have $\mathbf{R} \subseteq \mathbf{P}^H$ by letting the oracle do all the computational work, so a positive answer to question 1, say, for $\mathbf{P}$, would imply that $\mathbf{R} \subseteq \mathbf{P}^{\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}}$).
Question 2: Or, at the other extreme, is it perhaps true that $\mathbf{P}^{\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}} \cap \mathbf{R}$ (functions computable in polynomial time with $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ as oracle, and which happen to also be computable without oracle) equals $\mathbf{P}$, i.e., that having access to $\Gamma_{\mathrm{BB}}$ as an oracle won't speed up the computation of any problem that's already computable? (Or replace $\mathbf{P}$ by any standard complexity class like the ones mentioned in the previous question.)