Notation: given a CNF formula A over variables X, we write $[A(X)]$ for the set of valuations $v: X \to \{0,1\}$ such that $A(X/v)$ is true, i.e. the set of valuations that makes formula A true.
I suspect that the following problem is NExpTime-complete:
-given two CNF formulas $A(X)$ and $B(Y,X)$, and an integer $K=2^k$, determine if there exist $K$ valuations $v_1,v_2,...,v_K : Y \to {0,1}$ such that $[A(X)] \subseteq \bigcup_{v=v_1,v_2,...,v_K} [B(Y/v,X)]$, i.e. are there K valuations of the variables in Y such that all the valuations that makes $A(X)$ true are covered by valuations that makes $B(Y/v,X)$ true.
So this can be seen as a succinct encoding of the set cover problem using CNF formulas. My guess is that this result should be a consequence of the NP completness of set cover and some general results about succinct encodings of problems using CNF formulas. Unfortunately, I was not able to locate such a result in the literature...