For simplicity, all DFAs will be using the binary alphabet $\{0,1\}$. Let $M$ be a synchronizable DFA. We let $p(M,n)$ be the probability that a random $x\in \{0,1\}^n$ will synchronize $M$.
We define $P(k,n)$ to be the minimum of $p(M,n)$ taken over all DFAs $M$ having $k$ states. I want to know asymptotic bounds for $f$ such that $P(k,f(k)) \to 1$ exponentially fast (so there is $c <1$ such that $P(k,f(k))>1-c^k$ asymptotically). I know how to prove that $f(k) = k^42^{k^2}$ suffices. For any two states in a DFA, there will exist a string with length at most $k^2$ which synchs the two states, thus the probality that $k^2 2^{k^2}$ random bits will not synchronize a new pair of states is at most $1/e$. The rest quickly follows.
Can this upper bound be improved? What kind of lower bounds are possible?