I am wondering about relative consistency of various Martin-Löf type theories, when compared to one another, I will use MLTT for the intensional Martin-Löf type theory with $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $\mathbb{N}$, Id, unit and empty types.
Let's formulate consistency as lack of term of empty type and relative consistency being a proof that given the rules of itself T1 and assumption that they are consistent, we can deduce that another type theory T2 is consistent. So here are the variants.
- MLTT + Predicative Set universes (ala Agda without induction recursion)
- MLTT + Predicative (S)Prop and Set universes (ala Agda without induction recursion and with -prop)
- MLTT + Impredicative (S)Prop (ala Coq)
- MLTT + Impredicative Set at the bottom (ala Coq with -impredicative-set but without Prop)
- MLTT + Impredicative (S)Prop + Impredicative Set (ala Coq with -impredicative-set)
- Combinations of the above with large (agda-style) induction-recursion
In the last case I am not even aware of consistency results for the combination with impredicative universes. Related question seems to be: Relative consistency of PA and some type theories, but the answer there does not take into account universes. I am mostly looking for references discussing the relative consistency of these.