A Buchi automaton is non-empty iff it accepts an infinite word of the form $uv^\omega$ (here $u,v$ are finite words). In other words, if $\{w\}$ is an $\omega$-regular language, then it is of that form. This is folklore; to prove this just take a cycle in the Buchi automata containing a final state (which gives one $v$) and a path from the initial state to that cycle (which gives one $u$).
This extends to infinite trees as well. A tree automata accepting infinite trees is non-empty iff it accepts a regular tree i.e. an infinite tree with finitely many subtrees. (Safra)
Push-down automata on infinite words are exactly the $\omega$-Kleene closure of context-free languages over finite words [2,3]. Hence, any push-down automata on infinite words contains a word of the form $uv^{\omega}$.
But, push-down tree automata for infinite trees do not enjoy this characterization. In fact, there exists pushdown tree automata which do not accept any regular trees [1].
However, we can still ask if given an tree $T$ if there is a push-down tree automata on infinite trees that accepts exactly $\{T\}$. We just know that $T$ being regular would guarantee anything. I was wondering if we could formulate a necessary and sufficient condition.
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