What is the complexity of the following problem?
Given an NFA $A$ and a number $k\in \mathbb{N}$ in binary encoding, does there exist a DFA $B$ with at most $k$ states such that $L(A)=L(B)$?
Specifically, is it known whether this is PSPACE-complete or EXPTIME-complete?
This is the decision version of NFA to DFA minimization, but the size bound is given in binary. It's well known that if $k$ is given in unary, the problem is PSPACE-complete (by e.g., reduction from NFA universality).
The problem is clearly in EXPTIME: we can determinize $A$ to obtain an equivalent DFA of exponential size, and then minimize it. However, this method cannot be brought down to PSPACE, since the minimal output may indeed be of exponential size.
My intuition says this should be EXPTIME-complete, but I did not see any research on that.