It is well known that 3SAT remains NP-complete if every variable occurs exactly twice positively, exactly once negated.
then, does 3SAT remain NP-complete if every variable occurs exactly once positively, exactly once negated?
Satisfiability of CNFs where each variable occurs at most twice is easily seen to be computable in P. Repeat in any order the following steps, each of which decreases the number of variables, and preserves satisfiability:
Remove clauses containing both a literal and its negation.
If some variable occurs only positively or only negatively, remove the corresponding clauses (i.e., set the occurring literal to true).
Pick any variable that occurs both positively and negatively, and resolve the two clauses where it occurs (i.e., remove $C\cup\{x\}$ and $D\cup\{\neg x\}$, and replace them with $C\cup D$).
If neither step is no longer applicable, no variable can occur in the CNF any longer, which means that either the CNF is empty (whence true, i.e., satisfiable), or it consists of the empty clause (whence it is false, i.e., unsatisfiable).