It's been a while since I read any type theory, so this might sound kind of dumb.
Anyway, if I look at examples of type systems, they all seem to be based around having an empty type, and then constructing various wider types on top of that. I haven't found any examples of starting with an "Any" type (that is, a type which matches any term), and then having various more restrictive types below it.
I have some background in math and philosopy, so I can see why this wouldn't be the natural first step for research. I can also imagine it might be the source of entertaining paradoxes. However, if I look at it from the perspective of designing a programming language, starting with an Any type and restricting it seems like a better fit, at least for some kinds of languages (I know some Haskell people disagree with me about this, but I really don't want to have that argument so let's just pretend it's not completely wrong even if maybe it's overall worse).
So is type systems with an Any type just not a thing at all in type theory? Or is it just comparatively niche? If it is a thing, is there a name for it? Or equivalently, how could I look up the existing work on the subject?