It takes exactly $\log_2 n := \lg n$ bits of information to specify a number from $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}.$ Likewise, it takes $\lg{n\choose s}$ bits of information to specify a subset of $s$ out of the $n$ numbers. Suppose instead we wished to specify not all $s$ numbers, but merely any one of them. How much information would this take?
Let's formalize this as a two-player game $\mathcal{G}(n,s,k).$ The first player chooses a function $f$ and shows it. The second player chooses a subset $S\subset\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ with $s$ elements and shows it. The first player chooses a number $m\in\{1,2,\ldots,k\}$. If $f(m)\in S$, the first player wins
Define $W(n,s)$ as the smallest $k$ such that the first player has a winning strategy. What is $W(n,s)$, that is, how much information is needed to specify at least one of the $s$ elements? Note that $W(n,1)=n$ and $W(n,s)=W(n,n-s).$
A trivial upper bound is $W(n,s) \le n-s+1$, by noting that least one of the first $n-s+1$ numbers must be among the $s$.
For a lower bound, you could break the $n$ numbers into groups of $s$ and note that the second player could choose $S$ as any of the $\lfloor n/s\rfloor$ groups and hence $W(n,s) \ge \lfloor n/s\rfloor$ if the first player is to distinguish between them.