This question is about an alternative definition of treewidth, called weak treewidth. It is defined on hypergraphs where hyperedges intuitively require that the connected subtrees of occurrences of the elements are connected in some way (without prescribing how), not that each pair of subtrees intersect. I am curious whether this notion has been studied, can be tested algorithmically, or is related to the usual notion of treewidth.
Formally, a hypergraph $H = (V, E)$ is a set $V$ of vertices and a set $E$ of subsets of $V$ called hyperedges. The standard notion of a tree decomposition of $H$ is a tree decomposition of the primal graph $G_H$ of $H$, in which two vertices are connected iff they co-occur in some edge (i.e., every hyperedge of $H$ gives a clique in $G_H$). In other words, a tree decomposition of $H$ is a tree $T$ and function $\mu$ mapping each node $n$ of $T$ to a subset $\mu(n)$ of vertices of $V$, such that:
- (1.) For every $v \in V$ the occurrences {$\{n \in T \mid v \in \mu(n)\}$} of $v$ in $T$ form a connected subtree of $T$,
- (2.) For every hyperedge $e \in E$ there is a node $n \in T$ such that $e \subseteq \mu(n)$.
The width of $T$ is the largest cardinality of an image of $\mu$ minus 1, and the treewidth of $H$ is the minimal width of a tree decomposition.
Now, to define weak treewidth, I define in the same way but by considering weak tree decompositions, which are just tree decompositions but weakening requirement (2.) above to the following:
- (2'.) For every hyperedge $e = \{v_1, \ldots, v_k\}$, build a graph $G_e$ on the vertices of $e$ by making $v_i$ and $v_j$ adjacent in $G_e$ if there is some tree node $n$ of $T$ such that $\{v_i,v_j\} \subseteq \mu(n)$, and require that this graph $G_e$ is connected. (The standard requirement (2.) says that $G_e$ is the complete graph on $e$.)
Equivalently, the weak treewidth of a hypergraph $H$ is the minimum treewidth of a treeification of $H$, where a treeification of $H$ is a graph obtained from $H$ by replacing each hyperedge $E$ by some connected tree over the vertices of $E$.
My question is: has this notion of weak treewidth of hypergraphs been studied before? In particular, for a constant $k$, given a hypergraph $H$, can one decide in linear time whether $H$ has treewidth $\leq k$ and if so build a weak tree decomposition, the way one does for graphs? Can the hypergraphs with weak treewidth $\leq k$ be characterized somehow?
Some initial observations:
- If $H$ is a graph (all hyperedges have arity 2), then weak treewidth and treewidth are obviously equivalent.
- The weak treewidth of $H$ is no greater than the treewidth of $H$, because a tree decomposition of $H$ is also a weak tree decomposition of $H$.
- There seems to be no converse, even with arity 3. For example, take a clique $G$, and modify it to a hypergraph $H$ by adding a fresh vertex $v$ and replacing each edge $\{x,y\}$ of $G$ by the hyperedge $\{x,y,v\}$. The hypergraph $H$ still has high treewidth, but it admits a trivial weak tree decomposition with one root bag $\{v\}$ and children $\{v,x\}$ for each vertex $x$ of $G$. (Thanks to Louis Jachiet for this observation.)
- Up to a factor of 2, condition (2') can be rephrased to (2''): for every hyperedge $e = \{v_1, \ldots, v_k\}$ in $E$, letting $T_e$ be the subset of nodes of $T$ that contain at least one element of $e$, then $T_e$ is a connected subtree of $T$. (Thanks to @Laakeri for clarifying the links between (2') and (2'').)
The motivation for this question is that this notion of treewidth seems to occur in the literature about matching patterns with variables in strings, in particular in Reidenbach and Schmid, "Patterns with bounded treewidth", I&C, 2014. (Look for "valid interpretation", or "several different ways".) Intuitively, this is because the tree decomposition represents a structure with equality requirements, and the transitivity of equality means that it suffices to represent equality across any connected subtree. It is not clear in that context whether this weaker requirement than treewidth is helpful (see "We conjecture"), but I feel like this is a natural notion in general.