In most resources I could find, greedy algorithm is described as follows: for every vertex $v$, assign the minimal color not used by its neighbors.
The above could be implemented as:
colors[] <- 0 #assuming that 0 = not colored
for v in V:
used[] <- false
for u in N(v):
if colors[u] != 0:
used[colors[u]] <- true
k <- 0
while used[k] != 0:
k <- k + 1
colors[v] <- k + 1
return colors
It is a similar algorithm to the one presented here:, where the author states that its time complexity is $O(n + m)$. I don't understand how is that possible as the outermost loop iterates $n$ times and the inner while loop might take up to $\Delta$ iterations before finding the first unused color, hence resulting in $O(n\Delta)$ time complexity.
How could you achieve linear time complexity?