I don't think so. Theorem 5.1 of the linked paper shows that, for any fixed k, permanent mod $2^k$ is $\mathsf{\oplus L}$-complete. (I believe the same is true for det mod $2^k$.) So it won't be in a smaller class without collapsing the two classes.
Regarding parametrized complexity, Curticapean and Xia showed that permanent modulo $2^k$ is $\mathsf{\oplus W[1]}$-hard. So an algorithm of the form you mentioned in the comments, in $\mathsf{\oplus SPACE}(f(k) + \log n)$ would put it in $\mathsf{\oplus TIME}(g(k) poly(n))$.
In terms of runtime, assuming $\oplus ETH$, they also show a lower bound on the runtime of $n^{\Omega(k / \log k)}$. So one cannot do much better than what is known. (It'd be interesting if someone had closed that $\log k$ gap in the exponent, but I haven't heard of this.)