Given two sets of vectors of dimension $p$, $x_1,\ldots,x_m$ and $y_1,\ldots,y_n$, The Maximum Rank Correlation estimator is the vector $\beta$ given by $$\arg\max_{b\in\mathbb{R}^p}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n 1(b^t x < b^t y).$$ According to this old post, the fastest algorithms to compute $\beta$ run in $n^2\log(n)$ time. However, a 2020 paper uses mixed integer programming to compute beta, noting that "MIP is still an NP(non-deterministic polynomial-time)-hard problem". Perhaps in saying that the fastest algorithms run in $n^2\log(n)$ time the old stackexchange post was referring to an algorithm for an approximate, not necessarily global solution. For example, the paper cited in the answer to the old stackexchange post, Wang 2007, does not necessarily compute the argmax: "the [Nelder-Mead] algorithm and the proposed IMO algorithm share one common limitation. That is there exists no solid theory, which can guarantee the maximizer identified by either of them is indeed the global maximizer. In fact, they are very likely to be just a local maximizer."
What is in fact the complexity in the numbers $m,n$ of the input vectors, of computing $\beta$, and is it related to some other better studied problem? I posted a related question on the statistics Stackexchange a few day ago but didn't get any replies.