What is the simplest possible example of a (correctly typed) term in system F that does not correspond to any correctly typed term in the simply typed λ-calculus?
More precisely, I am looking for a closed well-typed term in system F, i.e., something like $$ \Lambda \alpha. \lambda (f:\alpha\to\alpha). \lambda (x:\alpha). f(f x) $$ (where I wrote $\Lambda$ for abstraction on types) such that, if we remove all $\Lambda$ and type variables, and all type annotations on $\lambda$, the resulting term (of the untyped λ-calculus), which in my example would be $$ \lambda f. \lambda x. f(fx) $$ does not correspond to the removing of type annotations from a term of the simply-typed λ-calculus (over an infinite stock of type variables). Of course, the above example doesn't work (we can just write $\lambda (f:\alpha\to\alpha). \lambda (x:\alpha). f(f x)$), or I wouldn't be asking the question; nor can any example where all $\Lambda$'s are prenex.
But note that I'm not just asking for a term of system F which cannot be “faithfully” typed into the s.t.λ.c., I'm asking for one which cannot be typed at all: for example, even though $$ \Lambda\alpha. \; \lambda(h:\forall \gamma.(\alpha\to\gamma)\to\gamma). \; h\alpha(\lambda(x:\alpha).x) $$ has type $\forall\alpha.(\forall \gamma.(\alpha\to\gamma)\to\gamma)\to\alpha$ which has no obvious analogue in the s.t.λ.c., the deannotated term $$ \lambda h. h(\lambda x.x) $$ can still be typed in the latter as $((\delta\to\delta)\to\beta)\to\beta$, thus not answering my question.
I believe there is a term such as I ask, because system F is so much powerful than the s.t.λ.c. so certainly there should be strictly more functions in the untyped λ-calculus that are somehow typable in system F than in the s.t.λ.c. But I couldn't find a concrete example of one (I guess coding an interpreter of the s.t.λ.c. in system F is possible and answers my question, but I imagine there's a waaaaay simpler term than that).