First papers
Scott (1993), A type-theoretical alternative to ISWIM, CUCH, OWHY.
This 1969 manuscript was later published in TCS. The title is a bit odd but it seems to hide the very first written reference.
Scott (1969, unpublished), Lattice-theoretic models for the λ-calculus.
This manuscript is cited by Wadsworth but I could find no copy of it.
Scott (1970), Outline of a mathematical theory of computation.
An introductory account of domain semantics is given in this one.
Scott (1972), Continuous lattices.
This is the first published paper on the topic. It was first released as a technical report in 1971.
Scott (1976), Data Types as Lattices.
This is also a standard reference.
“Textbook” references
Amadio and Curien (1998), Domains and Lambda-Calculi.
This “is a very comprehensive reference, good for citing in any technical paper not concerned with historical questions” (DM).
Scott writes:
Historically my first model for the λ-calculus was discovered in 1969 and details were provided in Scott (1972).
Tennent writes:
Scott [1970] is an outline of the axiomatic basis of
his theory and its applications; the theory is developed
in detail in Scott [1971a, 1971b, 1972b, 1972c, 1972d].
A fairly complete and systematic exposition is given in
Reynolds [1972b].