The problem itself was studied in this paper and was proved to be $\mathsf{NP}$-complete given the target set $T$ as the input.
For this specific instance $T=\{1,1/2,1/3,\ldots,1/n\}$, we can show that $\Omega(n/\log n)$ numbers are necessary and $O(n\log\log n/\log n)$ numbers suffice. The proofs use the prime number theorem that $\pi(n)\sim n/\ln n$, where $\pi(n)$ is the number of primes $\leq n$.
Lower Bound
We show the lower bound even for generating $T'=\{1/p\mid p\textrm{ prime}, n/2<p\leq n\}$. Note that $|T'|=\pi(n)-\pi(n/2)=\Theta(n/\log n)$.
Suppose $T'$ can be generated by $k<|T'|$ numbers, then each element $1/p\in T'$ corresponds to a vector in $v_p\in\{0,1\}^k$ indicating the subset whose sum is $1/p$. These vectors must be linearly dependent; In fact, if we assign a weight $w_p\in\{0,1,2,\ldots,n/2-1\}$ for each vector and consider the possibilities of the sum
$$\sum_{1/p\in T'}w_pv_p\in\{0,1,\ldots,|T'|\cdot (n/2-1)\}^k,$$
we can use the pigeonhole principle to find a collision, as long as
$$(n/2)^{|T'|}>(|T'|\cdot n/2)^k,$$
which is satisfied for some $k=\Theta(|T'|)=\Theta(n/\log n)$. The collision means that we have two disjoint subsets $T_1,T_2\subset T'$ and non-zero weights $w'_p\in\{1,2,\ldots,n/2-1\}$ such that
$$\sum_{1/p\in T_1}w'_pv_p=\sum_{1/p\in T_2}w'_pv_p\quad\Rightarrow\quad \sum_{1/p\in T_1}w'_p/p=\sum_{1/p\in T_2}w'_p/p.$$
It's easy to see a contradiction here: Multiplying both sides with the products of those $p$ to make them integral, then for each $p$ only one term is not a multiple of $p$ as $w'_p<p$. That means $k\geq\Omega(n/\log n)$.
Upper Bound
Notice that we only need to generate the integral set $\{n!,n!/2,n!/3,\ldots,n!/n\}$.
Let the set of smaller primes be $P=\{p\textrm{ prime}\mid p\leq n/\log n\}$, while the remaining ones are larger primes $Q=\{p\textrm{ prime}\mid n/\log n<p\leq n\}$. Note that $|P|=\pi(n/\log n)=O(n/\log^2 n)$.
Let $X$ be the numbers in $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ that are divisible by some $p\in Q$, then using the sum of prime reciprocals we get
$$|X|\leq\sum_{p\in Q}\frac{n}{p}=n\cdot O\left(\ln\ln n-\ln\ln(n/\log n)\right)=O(n\log\log n/\log n).$$
For every $i\in X$ we add $n!/i$ to the generating set so that it could be generated trivially. For $i\notin X$, we let $g=\mathrm{gcd}\{n!/i\mid i\notin X\}$ and generate $n!/(ig)$ using powers of $2$. Therefore we only need to bound the largest one, which is $n!/g$.
To do so, first notice that the only prime factors of $n!/g$ are the ones in $P$. For each $p\in P$, the highest power of $p$ that divides $n!/g$ is the highest power of $p$ in any $i\notin X$, which is at most $\lfloor \log_p n\rfloor$. Therefore
$$n!/g\leq \prod_{p\in P} p^{\lfloor \log_p n\rfloor}\leq n^{|P|}.$$
So the size of the generating set with binary representation is
$$\lfloor\log_2 (n!/g)\rfloor+1=O(|P|\log n)=O(n/\log n).$$