The Partition problem is: given $n$ numbers in the range $[0,M]$, decide if they can be partitioned into two subsets with equal sum.
If the numbers are integers, then the problem is NP-complete, but has a dynamic-programming algorithm that runs in pseudo-polynomial time, polynomial in $M$ and $n$.
Suppose now that the numbers are real, and we have a Real RAM machine, where every real number can be stored in a single memory cell, and every arithmetic operation on real numbers takes a single time unit. What is known about the run-time complexity of the problem?
On one hand, the Real RAM model is stronger than the Turing model, so the NP-hardness of Partition in the Turing model does not immediately imply hardness in the Real RAM model.
On the other hand, the dynamic-programming algorithm does not work, since there are uncountably many possible sums in the range $[0,M]$.
What is the run-time complexity of the Partition problem with real numbers in the Real RAM model? In particular:
Is there a proof that it cannot be solved in polynomia time unless P=NP?
is there a proof that no pseudo-polynomial time algorithm exists?
EDIT: The optimization variant of the Partition problem (finding a partition which maximizes the minimum sum) has an FPTAS, which is based on rounding the dynamic program. So a related question is: does the Partition problem has an FPTAS in the Real RAM model?