This is somewhat related to How to encode a function from an existential type
Existential types can be encoded in System F. If $P$ is any type constructor, not necessarily covariant, then the existential type $\exists t.~P~t$ is encoded as: $$\forall r.~(\forall t.~P~t \to r)\to r $$
Denote this encoding as the type constructor $E : (* \to *) \to *$ that takes any $P : * \to *$ and makes a new type $\exists t.~P~t$ out of $P$.
So, for any type constructor $P$ we define: $$E~P = \forall r.~(\forall t.~P~t \to r)\to r $$
E P = ∀(r : *) → (∀(t : *) → P t → r) → r
To create values of the type $E~P$, one uses the standard function pack
defined as:
pack : ∀(s : *) → P s → E P
pack = λ(s : *) → λ(ps : P s) → λ(r : *) → λ(c : ∀(t : *) → P t → r) → c s ps
The main question is: how to show that all values of type $E~P$ can be obtained using pack
. This is to show that pack
is surjective; or that the encoding is "adequate" and there are no System F functions of type E P
that do not correspond to some encapsulated type s
and a value ps : P s
Alternatively, how to show that is not true and to give a counterexample: some System F code for a certain function f : E P
with a suitable $P$ such that there are no types s
and no values ps : P s
satisfying f = pack s ps
To show that pack
is surjective, we may try implementing its left inverse unpack
and show that pack (unpack f) == f
But it does not seem to be possible to extract s
and ps
from a given value f : E P
. Parametricity is built into System F and it prohibits us from getting any specific type out of $\forall r.~(\forall t.~P~t \to r)\to r$. So, if pack
is surjective, the unpack
function needs to violate parametricity (and cannot be implemented in System F). That may not be a problem if we are somehow able to show that pack
is surjective by going outside System F. But at this point I do not see how to proceed with any possible proof.
that is not (equivalent to) an application ofpack
?" and 2. Is there a left inverse topack
? These questions could be summarized as "external vs internal surjectivity ofpack
" I strongly suspect that the two questions have different answers. $\endgroup$pack
in various ways (pack Nat 0
,pack Bool False
etc.) and yet all those values are extentionally the same and equivalent to just the Unit type. $\endgroup$