There are actually a couple of different questions here: (a) how much computing power does it take to do tree search for games, and (b) what's the computational complexity of these problems? The best all-purpose resource for this sort of thing is probably the Wikipedia page on Game Complexity, but to go into a bit more detail:
For (a), there are a lot of different practical algorithms that come into play, but they all boil down to some form of the tree search you noted; the biggest optimization that's generally used for the tree search itself is known as Alpha-Beta, which prunes branches of the tree once it's known that they can't be better than the best option already discovered. This is useful for evaluating positions 'on the fly' for chess (particularly with smart heuristics for ordering moves), because there are good estimates of the 'value' of a position; it generally gets a lot worse when having to compute a precise result for a position just because those heuristics don't hold. In general, if the tree has depth $d$ and a branching factor of $b$, then alpha-beta pruning cuts the number of nodes that need to be examined to roughly $b^{d/2}$ (from the naive value of $b^d$) - but even with this optimization, that's obviously a huge factor; consider that for the opening position of chess, $d$ is on the order of 60-100, and the branching factor $b$ is estimated to be in the range of 30-40.
In practice, pure tree search is supplemented by a bottom-up dictionary; for instance, the results of all 6-piece chess endgames are known, and many 7-piece endgames have been analyzed (see, so the result of a game branch can be looked up in the 'dictionary' (a huge database of positions) once the position has been reduced to few enough pieces, shortcutting a lot of extra tree search that would otherwise be needed. This is what was done with checkers - databases were built up of all endgames with sufficiently few pieces, then extended to add more pieces and more, until the results of all 10-piece endgames were known; then tree search was used from the initial position, and essentially the two met in the middle.
Beyond these practical approaches, though, there's the (b) side of the question: what is the computational complexity of these sorts of problems? Abstractly, most problems of this ilk tend to fall into a couple of categories; they're either PSPACE-complete - which roughly means 'if you can solve this, you can solve any problem that takes polynomially much space' - or EXPTIME-complete (which roughly means 'if you can solve this, you can solve any problem that takes exponentially much time'), depending on how long the game can last; again, the Wikipedia page on EXPTIME-completeness has a pretty good discussion of the issues involved and what differentiates different games on this front.