Consider a Boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$.
The degree of the function $d$ has a clear meaning in term of its Fourier coefficients, there are no weight on coefficient of degree higher than $d$, i.e. $\forall S\subseteq [1,n], \hat{f}(S) = 0$ if $|S| > d$.
[edit:add] The approximate degree $\tilde{d}$ of a function $f$ is the lowest degree of a polynomial $p$ such that $\max_{x\in\{0,1\}^n} |f(x) - p(x)| \leq 1/3$. [/edit:add]
I was wondering if there is an interpretation of the approximate degree along those kind of lines. I have the intuition (maybe plain wrong) the Fourier coefficient of a function lower that its approximate degree should be small, but I cannot find any claim to sustain this intuition.
The only result I am aware of, is a paper by Sherstov, in STOC'08 (corollary 3.3.1):
Let $f:\{0,1\}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ with approximate degree $\tilde{d}$. Then there is a function $\psi:\{0,1\}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ such that
• $\hat{\psi}(S) = 0$ if $|S|<\tilde{d}$
• $\sum_{x\in\{0,1\}^n}|\psi(x)| = 1$
• $\sum_{x\in\{0,1\}^n} \psi(x) f(x) > 1/3$
But the interpretation is very not clear to me since $\psi$ is bounded in the $\ell_1$ norm and not the $\ell_2$ norm as usually used in Fourier analysis. Also how can we have a constant overlap between $\psi$ and $f$ when $f$ is unbounded?