My questions:
- What are other names for this and similar problems and their fields? ("equivalence of varieties in universal algebra", "equivalence of algebraic structures", "rewriting systems for searching equivalence"?)
- what algorithms do you know solving this kind of problems?
- What papers/books do you recommend?
I'm interested in approaches of finding, whether two computations are equivalent?
I try to find my way between rewriting systems, automated theorem proving, logic programming, varieties, or just visiting graph of all possible basic block transformations (in order to find corresponding vertices (with some luck ;) ) ).
Of course. In finite domains, I could enumerate all possible inputs for all possible symbols permutations, check whether computations gives same results, and do this in finite time. I am looking for other approaches.
Computations are given as basic blocks represented in SSA - static single assignment form. We can assume finite number integer arithmetic (for example 64bit numbers). Computations run in RAM model.
For those not familiar with compilers theory and design, Basic Block has no jumps, no loops, no function call, one exit, and one entry etc. So we can say, that each execution of BB has O(1) complexity.
SSA - static single assignment form of basic block is DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph). In that sense, there is similar question on TCS.SE about unification theory and DAG isomorphism, while my context, focus, purpose and approach is different.
Let me be more specific what I mean by equivalence of computations. Let's take following setup:
- two computations $f$ and $g$ and treat them as functions.
- $P$ is a vector of $f$'s parameters $p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n$
- $P' = \operatorname{perm}(P)$ is permutation of parameters.
By equivalence, I mean, there exist permutation $P'$ that for any inputs $P$ , we have $f(P) = g(P')$ same (vector of) results in both computations.
Another equivalence definition
I've just found, definition of basic block equivalence, very similar to mine. I hope it might clarify, what I mean by that.
Let me cite from C Decompilation: Is It Possible? by Katerina Troshina, Alexander Chernov and Yegor Derevenets:
Let $f$ be an object renaming transformation (...) $f(C_1) = C_2$ if there exists a renaming of named objects such as registers, labels, etc, preserving program semantics and making the programs $f(C_1)$ and $C_2$ syntactically indistinguishable. Existence of such an f transformation is a sufficient condition of program equivalence. (...) Equivalence of basic blocks may be checked by reducing them to a RISC-like representation. Let $h$ be a basic block reduction transformation. Let $B_1$ and $B_2$ be basic blocks, let $B'_1 = h(B_1)$ and $B'_2 = h(B_2)$ be the corresponding basic blocks in the RISC-like representation. Let $g$ be an instruction reordering transformation preserving the program semantics. If for the basic blocks $B_1$ and $B_2$ there exist transformations $f$ , $g$ and $h$ making $g(f(h(B_1))$ and $h(B_2)$ syntactically indistinguishable, basic blocks $B_1$ and $B_2$ are equivalent.
Although, their approach is more focused on assembly code, my approach is more in direction of path-algebra for algorithm pattern matching. What it implies, I'd like to take into account, not only instruction reordering, but equations they represent as well. (Simple example : $(a + b) / 2$ is different to $a / 2 + b / 2$ on $k$-bits integer computations - modular arithmetic. When $a + b \ge 2^k$ results are different. While algorithms, authors/implementators intentions might be the same. That's why I'd like to mix approaches from different fields).