Reading some recent threads on quantum computing (here,here, and here), make me remember an interesting question about the power of some kind of $\ell_p$-norm preserving machine.
For people working in complexity theory going to quantum complexity a great introductory text is Fortnow's paper which link was posted by Joshua Grochow here. In that paper, the quantum Turing machine is presented as a generalized probabilistic Turing machine. Basically, the probabilistic machine have a state $s$ normalized under the $\ell_1$-norm, i.e. $\parallel s\parallel_1=1$. The time evolution of the machine is given by the application of a stochastic matrix $P$ such that $\parallel Ps\parallel_1=1$, i.e. $P$ preserves the $\ell_1$-norm. So the state at time $t$ is $P^ts$ (the notation may not be precise because the left or right multiplication of $P$ depends on if $s$ is a row or column vector or the rows or columns of $P$ are the subspaces preserving the norm). So in this sense the probabilistic Turing machine is a $\ell_1$-norm preserving machine denoted $M^{\ell_1}$.
Then a quantum Turing machine can be seen as having a state $s$ with $\parallel s\parallel_2=1$ and unitary matrix $P$ (that preserves $\ell_2$-norms) such that $P^ts$ is the state at time $t$ where $\parallel P^ts\parallel_2=1$. This is a $\ell_2$-norm preserving machine denoted $M^{\ell_2}$.
Let in general a $\ell_p$-norm preserving machine be denoted by $M^{\ell_p}$.
So my questions are:
(1) What's the power of $\ell_p$-norm preserving machines for finite $p$? More formally, can we prove that for any given $p$ and $q$, if $q>p$ then there exists a language $L$ and machine $M^{\ell_q}$ such that $M^{\ell_q}$ efficiently decides $L$ and there is no machine $M^{\ell_p}$ that efficiently decides $L$. For example, this could be a generalization of the question, is $NP \subseteq BQP$?.
(2) What about $p=\infty$? Here the maximum value of the components of the state vector is 1.
(3) These questions goes beyond unitarity so it is not expected to agree with quantum mechanics. In general, what happens with computation if you relax the unitarity restriction on operations? There are works about allowing non-linear operators (see Aaronson 2005).
(4) Maybe the most important, is it universal? I think this is clear, because for particular cases it is universal. But what happens with universality when $p=\infty$?