If $n > \binom{d}{d/2} \approx \frac{2^d}{\sqrt{\pi d/2}}$ then we know that the set is not an antichain by Sperner's lemma, and so the decision version of the problem becomes trivial. But it might be interesting to consider the case where $n$ is close to that value.
Friedgut's work on the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem shows that given the characteristic vector $f$ of a family of subsets of $[m]$, one can find in time $O(m2^m)$ whether $f$ is an intersecting family (every two elements of $f$ intersect). More generally, his method allows us to compute
$$ \Sigma = \sum_{x,y \in f} S(x,y), $$
where $S(x,y) \geq 0$ is some (specific) known function which is non-zero only if $x,y$ are disjoint. $S(x,y)$ depends only on the histogram of $\{(x_i,y_i) : i \in [d]\}$, where $x_i$ is the indicator for $i \in x$.
(As an aside, we comment that his method also works if we are given two families $f,g$, and are interested in $\Sigma = \sum_{x\in f, y\in g} S(x,y)$. In both cases, we need to compute the $p$-skewed Fourier-Walsh transforms of $f,g$ for an arbitrary $p \in (0,1/2)$, and then $\Sigma = \sum_x T(x) \hat{f}(x) \hat{g}(x)$, where $T(x)$ depends only on the Hamming weight of $x$.)
How does all this relate to the problem at hand? Consider the family
$$ F = \{ S_i \cup \{x\} : i \in [n] \} \cup \{ \overline{S_i} \cup \{y\} : i \in [n] \}. $$
Every $S_i \cup \{x\}$ is disjoint from every $\overline{S_i} \cup \{y\}$. Since $S(x,y)$ is given explicitly, we can compute the contribution of these pairs to $\Sigma$. Are there any more disjoint pairs? If $S_i \cup \{x\}$ is disjoint from $\overline{S_j} \cup \{y\}$ then $S_i \cap \overline{S_j} = \emptyset$ and so $S_i \subseteq S_j$. So $S_1,\ldots,S_n$ is an antichain iff
$$ \Sigma = \sum_{i=1}^n S(S_i \cup \{x\}, \overline{S_i} \cup \{y\}). $$
This algorithm runs in time $\tilde{O}(n + 2^d)$, ignoring factors polynomial in $d$. When $n$ is close to $2^d$, this is significantly better than $\tilde{O}(n^2)$. In general, we get an improvement as long as $n = \omega(2^{d/2})$.
Given that we know that a pair satisfying $S_i \subseteq S_j$ exists, how do we find it? Suppose we divide all sets $S_1,\ldots,S_n$ into two groups $G_1,G_2$ at random. With probability roughly $1/2$, the sets $S_i$ and $S_j$ will find themselves in the same group. If we are so lucky, we can run our algorithm on $G_1$ and $G_2$, find in which one do these belong to, and so halve the number of sets we need to consider. If not, we can try again. This shows that with an expected number of $O(\log n)$ oracle calls to the decision version, we can actually find a pair satisfying $S_i \subseteq S_j$.
We can also derandomize the algorithm. Without loss of generality, suppose $n = 2^k$. In each step, we partition according to the each of the $k$ bits. One of these partitions will always put $x$ and $y$ in the same part, unless they have opposite polarities; we can test for this explicitly using only $O(nd)$ operations. This gives a deterministic algorithm using $O(\log^2 n)$ oracle calls to the decision version.